Seismometer iOS App Logo

Seismometer - Real Time Earthquake Alarm

A life-saver seismometer always in your pocket



Seismometer App can alert you of an earthquake as you can feel it exactly where you are. A very handy tool especially when someone is sleeping


Audio & Visual alarm for both Earthquake & Power Failure Alarms. It has even a test button to hear and see it!


Has been vastly improved to give the best user experience and usability while being informative about the serious emergency situation of an earthquake

Seismometer iOS App on iPhone 7


This App uses a special designed algorithm that senses the motion of the device and convert it into 4 major earthquake scales:
Shindo (Japan)
Liedu (China)
Mercalli (World)


You can set the level of alarm you wish by choosing an earthquake level with the slider


Set the time to receive a daily reminder to open this life saver Seismometer

screenshots iPhone

Seismometer iOS App iPhone Screenshot 1
Seismometer iOS App iPhone Screenshot 2
Seismometer iOS App iPhone Screenshot 3
Seismometer iOS App iPhone Screenshot 4

screenshots iPad

Seismometer iOS App iPad Screenshot 1
Seismometer iOS App iPad Screenshot 2
Seismometer iOS App iPad Screenshot 3
Seismometer iOS App iPad Screenshot 4

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